ZikZin Ever

ZikZin Ever

Sunday, July 24, 2011

treej update july 24'11

hello pretty EEL's

아오 초등6년 때 이후로 읽어본적 없는 만화책을 구입 ㅡ 원피스 전권구입하여 탐독시작! 으하하하하 나는 공부하는 한류스타~ 과연 근짱은 프린스로 남을것인가 캡틴으로 남을 것인가!! 눈알 빠지겠네 by근석
Trans :Ah~ Since 6th grade of elementary school, I'm no longer read comic, so I bought a full set of ONE PIECE. Start to read! Wahaha.. I'm a Korean star who will study.. Will he continue e journey as e prince or the captain? My eyeballs r abt to drop off.
By Keunsuk
[wondering why he read it upside down? as posted in Apps. hhaha.. check e APPS, eels~]

Cr: Tree J's twitter + original trans: 張根碩_台灣首站 + eng trans: SS Serene


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