ZikZin Ever

ZikZin Ever

Saturday, March 10, 2012

[Love rain Update]who is Seo Jun?

Hello pretty EEL's
English trans:Sarah Ye of ECI
This is the translation from KSC weibo post, they didn’t indicate where this words came from, but I guess it was from KBS official Love Rain site. Anyway,This article about the character of Seo Jun, Sukkie’s role in 2012.

JKS played two different roles, one is 70s an Art Student Seo In Ha and 2012’s a totally overweening photographer Seo Jun. In Ha has gentle charisma, in opposite, Seo Jun is frank talking, free spirit. JKS portraits two different images have unbalanced double sides, from the heartwarming changes to sharp looking. This 180 degree change, he fully expressed them. (this part was from Innolife )

Guess many of you have learnt about Seo Jun from some media reports. Here let’s introduce Seo Jun with a “unrevealed camera”: Seo Jun has outstanding good looking, sharp sensation for fashion, very unique style, a detail perfectionist, a top vogue photographer. Under the white (snow) background, who is taking the picture of a model, the photographer Seo Jun is so handsome!

Even with such good looking, but with his sharp character, his beauty image is no longer the property. He is: In the whole world, I’m the only one bold mean master, this is me! (make me think of the older Jang Gun Woo in BV, lol.)

photo credit:kbs official site

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