hello pretty EEL's
My dearest reader's you're viewing the page of TREEJ gallery...more photo's are coming...
[new updates]
sukkie uploaded short clips:translation: ほら!!!!!잔소리하지맛!!!! Translation: Hey!!!! Don't nag me!!!! click here:http://yfrog.com/0hz74z
드디어 장근석 bigbrother 의 teamH 앨범 타이틀 "gotta getcha"의 뮤비 티져공개!!!!
trans:look.. sukkie does his shuffle dance here.. ehehehe.. ^.^ the shuffle king!
Gotta Getcha MV Trailer 2
[new updates]
shuffle with kurt:click here
CLICK HER:to watch his shuffle dance
Update from Prince J:
"제이슨이 방에 들어오자 급 정색하는 내 얼굴.. 아 여기가 상하이구나..!! by 근석"
Jason entered e room... Ah... I see Shanghai!! by Keun Suk
Cr: Tree J company twitter (july o9'11)
숨어있는 장근석군 찾기~~어디 있을까~~~~~요? 영화 너는펫 촬영현장입니다!
My dearest reader's you're viewing the page of TREEJ gallery...more photo's are coming...
Twitter Update 3 - 11262011 treeJ_company: SMAP분들이 보내주신 과일바구니입니다.^^ Translation: SMAP send fruits to JKS for Tokyo Dome Concert!! cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 3 - 11262011 treeJ_company: SMAP분들이 보내주신 과일바구니입니다.^^ Translation: SMAP send fruits to JKS for Tokyo Dome Concert!! cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11262011 treeJ_company: 도쿄돔 최종 리허설중입니다. 오늘 도쿄돔을 뜨겁게 달궈주세요^^ Translation: He is doing the last rehearsal. Please make Tokyo Dome hot today!! cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 4 - 11252011 treeJ_company: 도쿄돔 리허설중입니다 Translation: Rehearsal at Tokyo Dome |
treej_company update:(092911) 비오는날 아침 좋은 소식으로 인사드립니다. 꿈을 이루는 배우 장근석의 아레나투어 앵콜공연이 11월 26일 도쿄돔에서 열립니다. 장어분들의 뜨거운 성원 감사드립니다. 멋진공연 준비하겠습니다.^^ |
treej_company update:(100111) 쌀쌀한 주말 장어분들 잘 보내고있나요?? 장배우는 촬영 쉬는 시간에도, 틈틈히 자신의 영상을 모니터한답니다. 장어분들 주말 잘보내세요^^ |
treej_company update: 주말 아침부터 사랑비 촬영중인 장배우입니다. 자세한사진은 다음에 보여드릴께요. 서인하 많이 응원해주세요^^ |
treeJ_company: 아..이상한 운동같은거도 하고 살빠진듯..-_-;;나 저 마스크와 사랑에 빠질듯 Trans : I feel like i can be slim, after doing weird exercises..-_-;; I fell in love with my mask cr: sa_sha |
treeJ_company twitter update: 내 자유를 방해하지 말라!!!!!! Translation: Do not interrupt in my freedom!!!!! |
[new updates]
Trans : I saw someone familiar. ... Exotic night can not be! ㅋ ㅋ treej upadate:어디서 많이 본 사람이 있길래.. 술없는 밤은 색다르다!ㅋ ㅋ |
treeJ_company twitter update: けんかしてみよう!!ぜったいまけない!!근데 얘네가 나 갖고 논다-_-;; Translation: Let's Fight!! Absolute Safety Initiative!! But the guys have played me -_-;; september 13'11 |
treeJ_company twitter update: 내 자유를 방해하지 말라!!!!!! Translation: Do not interrupt in my freedom!!!!! sept 13'11 |
TreeJ_Company update:지하철여행 잠입성공 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Translation: Subway travelling, sneaked in successfully. Hahahaha sept 12'11 |
TreeJ_Company Twit Pic 간닷!!!!!!드디어.....!!!! Translation: going now!!!! Finally.....! sept 12'11 |
treeJ_company update:ㄴ ㅑ...남자사람만났어.....-_- Translation: Ah, i am meeting guys....-_- sept 12'11 |
sukkie uploaded short clips:translation: ほら!!!!!잔소리하지맛!!!! Translation: Hey!!!! Don't nag me!!!! click here:http://yfrog.com/0hz74z
treej_company update(110911)나는야 세균맨~~ Translation: I am virus man~~ |
treej update(september 11'11)안늉..Translation: Hello |
드디어 장근석 bigbrother 의 teamH 앨범 타이틀 "gotta getcha"의 뮤비 티져공개!!!!
trans:look.. sukkie does his shuffle dance here.. ehehehe.. ^.^ the shuffle king!
Gotta Getcha MV Trailer 2
[new updates]
Translation : Wahahaha, Jang Keun Suk's love rumors! There wasn't a news of Jang Keun Suk's love rumors for the past 19 years since debut. Hehe - This is the power of Gun-Chan! Hahaha! By Sa_Sha26 |
Translation: Everyone, you've fall into Jang Keun Suk's trap! Huhu..sa_sha26treej_company update:여러분은 장근석의 함정에 빠진거임 흐흐 september 08'11 |
translation:Actor Jang preparing for Knee-Drop Guru in waiting room. Please look forward to the confession he will make in Knee-Drop Guru tonight~!^^ cr:sa_sha26 |
Translation: What will Jang Keun Suk talk about tonight in Knee-Drop Guru? If you're curious about what is troubling actor jang,please stay tune to knee-drop guru tonight~!! Cr:sa_sha26 |
treej_company update:조선희 작가님!!!! 억지 웃음 짓지 말라니까!!! 입 삼각 만들지 말라고!!!! 나한테 몇번을 말했어!!!!! ㅋㅋㅋ september 02'11 |
treej_company update:부산을 다시 옴...과연 내 옆에 원주민과 뭘 찍으러 왔을까나..? ㅋㅋ september 02"11 |
treej_company update:초퍼순 엔드 초퍼석 으흐흐흐흐흐흐흐흐 이쁘지ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ수니 삼실에서도 내말만 잘 따름 !내가 바로 주인이닷!!!! august 29'11 |
treej_company update:여러분!!!!!!!!저는!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ......... ...반쪽자리 한류스타입니다...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ august 26'11 |
treej_company updates:으으으으으으ㅡㅡㅡㅡ주인님과 놀아주느라 바쁜하루ㅡㅡㅡㅡ august 25'11 |
treej_company update:무한반복중... 월드스타 비느님의 부산여자....배타고 부산으로 바로 갈까 ㅎㅎ august 24'11 |
treej_company update:술이나 쵸져쵸져 august 22'11 |
august 22'11 |
shuffle with kurt:click here
august 21'11 |
august 21'11 |
FROM TREEJ_COMPANY update:나 간다~~장어들아~~아빠드립 치지 마라~~나도 장가는 가야지~~ㅋㅋㅋ 안뇽~! By근석 from google translate:Come and Go ~ ~ eel ~ ~ ~ ~ I do not hit my dad drip ~ ~ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ marry a go, honey! By keunsuk |
나도 팬 있다고!!!! 근데 누님들은 어디서 이런 정보를 얻는건지 캐궁금크리.... ㅡ ㅡ.. Trans : well, I have fans too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm curious that how sisters get the news?.... ㅡ ㅡ (sukbaidubar) |
@treeJ_company 트리제이컴퍼니 August 15, 2011 보고있나!! 레인님!!! 나도 내 팬 있다고!! 으하하하. 장어떼들이여 열광하라!!!! @sa_sha26: Translation: You are seeing this right! Mr. Rain!!! I also have my fans!! Wahahaha. Eels, |
댄싱머신도 셔플킹 앞에선 긴장ㅋㅋㅋ http://www.youtube.com/wat Trans : dancing machine is still a little bit nervous facing to the shuffle king (sukbaidubar) |
Rain The Best Show @ Busan Encore with Jang keun suk
JKS: Although my face is a bit swollen, it’s not more fleshy~~ Stop nagging~~~ 就算脸有点肿 也不是长肉啦~~不要唠唠叨叨啦~~~ (翻译BY蘑菇)cr:sukbar+keunsukchina |
CLICK HER:to watch his shuffle dance
Sukkie updated Tree J's twitter : 아니 이게 지금 말이 된다고??? By근석 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Trans : Well, is this ridiculous??? By Keun Suk kekekekeekkeeke Cr: Tree J, orig: 張根碩_台灣首站, eng trans : SS Serene |
Tree J's update!!!! "스마스마 출연날 대기실에서 장배우~!" Trans : Actor Jang in waiting room on the recording day for Suma Suma (smapxsmap july 18'11 |
from Tree J's twitter : "Hs media흥신소 방문 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ笑!이제 서울로 고고씽~~!!by근석" Trans: An Visit to HS Media's office hahaha! Now will return to Korea GO GO~~!! By Keun Suk" Cr: Tree J company's twitter july 12'11 |
Update from Prince J:
"제이슨이 방에 들어오자 급 정색하는 내 얼굴.. 아 여기가 상하이구나..!! by 근석"
Jason entered e room... Ah... I see Shanghai!! by Keun Suk
Cr: Tree J company twitter (july o9'11)
장어들아 모두 함께 힘을 모아 헤엄쳐라!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 퐈이아!!!!!!!!!!!! By 근석 EEL's lets swim and join our forces...FIRE!!! [july 06'11] |
treej tweet: |
translation: Find the hidden Jang Keun Suk~~ Where is he~~~? Filming of "You're My Pet.[july 06'11
Jang group and Big Brother's Team h!! But I wonder what's going on here? (July 04'11) |
"장배우의 절친 연정훈님과 탑기어 촬영중입니다 슈퍼카 택시를 타고 즐거워하는 두 사람! 방송은 8월 예정입니다^^" top gear shor will be broadcast in august (JULY 02'11) |
Open Memorial Tree My Twitter! Jang first uploaded photo.. (july 01'11) |
July 1st 2011 treej_company open an account in twitter...
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