ZikZin Ever

ZikZin Ever

Monday, June 27, 2011

[news]YOKOHAMA presscon

Hello pretty EEL"s

Today june 28'11 will the presscon for jang keun suk first official photo in Yokohama.

more photo's:

heard 1000 door tix for today are sold out already.lucky 200 eels who have advance tix could see opening ceremony (cat-noir)and only those who got tickets to press conferrence know the time and place.

and i heard some eels queuing since 8pm last night??oh my!eels dont let your stomach empty..ok??
GOODs sold place:

Video of jks arrival at the presscon:

Additonal updates:

Somebody try to touch/grab him??

EEL's i know we are getting excited if we saw keun suk..but pls avoid to grab him or make some dangerous move..we have to understand that..so plsss lets protect him...tnc cri:)


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