ZikZin Ever

ZikZin Ever

Monday, June 27, 2011

[news]SUK arrival,police panic @haneda

hello pretty EEL's

Good morning my beloved reader's...POLICE PANIC AT HANEDA?why?JKS arrival???

Jang keun arrived yestesday at haneda airport..he wore Black jacket and black sunglasses..In order to attend the launch event to be held the first official photo in Yokohama on the 28th day..(today)
Reporters also gathered about 100 people trying to interview a young Korean actor best build on the momentum.

 the airport police were dispatched about 40 people in order to avoid confusion..

Jang keun suk,star the 2009 drama "handsome (handsome) It is a" break with her debut single was released in May in Japan 5 "Let me cry" as international artists will lead the first-ever debut at the Oricon weekly rankings.

Recently Suntory "Soul rice" and also appeared in the CM, is expanding further instructions.

In response to these gun chan(nickname in Japan),repeat the kiss,Japanese fan's was greeted with Only about 3 minutes. Still, fans were happy...

credit:korean times

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