
Monday, October 24, 2011

[event]JKS at BIG DOME

Hello pretty EEL's

The second annual Korean / Japanese Dream Games been held at the Tokyo Dome yesterday,october 24th and Hallyu star Jang Geun Suk is who sung Korea’s national anthem at the event. Dream Games is a match between the retired All-Star Japanese pro baseball players against a baseball team made up of Korean celebrities. This year’s event to raise money to help the victims of the earthquake victims of Japan..Days bofore the event they said,Jang Geun Suk will also be throw the first pitch for the game but he didnt do it yesterday,,I've read,he chatted in his tweet with korean eels,before he went to JP that he won't throw the ball.we all know that suk is not good in sports..(im afraid,he will throw the ball to someone's head).hehehe
Also i have read,(not sure about this) From Osaka to Tokyo upon arriving Sukkie went to hospital to have some medical checkup,for his arm and taking oxygen before they go in Tokyo Dome.An eel read that in his Apps yesterday Oct.24 afternoon...


more photo's from the event:

WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU SUK...fighting!!!

cr:FB SS+osen+lovejerry0101@yt

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