Hello Pretty EEL's
Hi my beloved READER'S:
Actor Jang Geun Suk has shared a new photo's to celebrate the creation of a Twitter account!
He opened his new account in twitter September 15th 2011...ENJOY!!

[20/01/11] |
Friday night… I’m going to be a carnivorous man…? kk 금요일 밤..간만에 육식남으로….? ㅋㅋ |

[20/01/11] |
I’ve finally got it.. How does Geun-chan taste..? It might be Bulgogi taste-_- 드디어 내 손에 들어왔다.. ぐんちゃんの味はどうかな。。いえばブルゴギ味かも-_- |
dec 21'11 video update:
마지막촬영의 기쁨을 장어들에게..!!! 내가 돌아왔다!!!!!!!
Twitter Update 2 - 11152011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아 빨간새들 집에가라고!!! 내일 트윗 본사 전화할거임 진짜 마지막트윗 안녕!!!! Translation: Go home! Red birds! I will call to twitter company tomorrow!! It is the last tweet. Really bye!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11142011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 트윗 폭파 빠이크리 ..내 아이디 사칭하지말길 바래~~안늉 우리 회사 건물엔 드디어 현수막이 뚜둥!
Translation: I blow up my twitter...Bye-cri...Please don't falsely assume my ID....Bye.
'You are my pet' banner is put on my building at last!! Ta-da!!!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 7 - 11132011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 많은사람들이 묻는다..트위터 왜 그만두냐고..악플러에 지지말라고..힘내라고.. 그런데 진짜 이유는 따로 있다.. 밧데리가 맨날 앵꼬야... 핸드폰도 배고프고 나도 배고파..
Translation: Many people ask me why am i quitting twitter.. asked me to ignore the bad critics.. be strong.. But there is a real reason behind this.. Battery is dying.. Handphone is hungry, i am hungry..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 5 - 11132011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 신나는 무대인사 투어 중~~!! 다들 극장으로 컴컴 너는펫 대바아아악!!
Translation: Exciting stage greeting tour~~!! Everyone come come to the theater, You're My Pet Awesome!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 3 - 11132011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 화해...화합..평화..
Translation: Reconciliation.. Peace..Peace..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 11132011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 리브샌드 하나로 둘의 사이 급격히 멀어짐...왼쪽부터 주인님매니져 펫 매니져.
Translation: Because of a burger, their relationship rapidly became distant...On the left, Owner's manager and Pet's Manager..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 7 - 11122011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 그 와중에 장근석 봇 과 주인님
Translation : That time, Jang Keun Suk robot(?) and Owner
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 6 - 11122011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 그 와중에 장근석과 주인님
Translation: That time, Jang Keun Suk and Owner.
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 5 - 11122011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 무대인사 들어갑니당 빠이크리~~~~
Translation: Entering Stage greeting, bye cri~~~
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 3 - 11122011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아무리 일의 연속이라 하지만 가끔씩 이렇게 깨알같은 시간이 불쑥 찾아온다.. 철권으로...흥부 갖고 놀았네 ㄲㄲ 참! 오늘부터 일본 너는펫 예매 오픈했답니다!日本のうなぎたち!!がんばってね!
Translation: Eventhough there's so much of work, but still have a little time..playing Tekken.. Haha. Oh ya, Japan You're My Pet pre-sale starts today! Japanese eels!! Ganbatte!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 11122011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 저 강아지 모터로 움직임..강변북로에 켜놓고 내려놓으면 어디까지 가려나 궁금.. 근짱처럼 완벽한 펫을 얻고싶으면 미니스커트 강추 ㄲㄲㄲ 너는펫대박!!
Translation: That dog has a motor and it can move.. I let it walk on the GangByeon Expressway, wondering where it will reach.. If you want a perfect pet like Gun-chan, i suggest you to wear mini-skirt. Haha. You're My Pet Daebak!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 1 - 11122011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 개인차량으로 주인님 기사 노릇하며 서울지역 영화 무대인사 돌고 있는중.. 차안에서 들을 음악 선별까지하고!! 근짱!!! 넌 최고의 펫이야!!
Translation: In my private car, as a driver for my Owner. Driving around Seoul, and attending stage greetings..Even chose what music to play in the car. Gun-chan, You're the best pet!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 7 - 11112011
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ 너네 나 폭트한다고 맨날 한가하냐고 놀려대지...나 이러고 있거덩?? 나 바쁜남자야..!! 지금은 광고촬영중..
Translation: Nya! You guys are saying that i tweetstorm everyday and I'm too free...? Am i that free?? I am a busy man..!! Shooting advertisement right now..
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 6 - 11112011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 간만에 출근했더니 사무실 입구부터 너는 펫 도배.......이거보단 건물외벽을 덮어버리는게 짱이지..주문해야겠다..현수막..
Translation: Long time didn't go to office. And today I went, I saw You're My Pet's poster overriding at the entrance........ I think it's better to order one to put outside on the building walls.. hanging screen..
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 5 - 11112011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 간만에 mp3에 음악을 넣었다 538곡..지금 듣고 있는건 윤종신형의 you are so beautiful 이라는 곡.. 여자에게 작업할때는 이 노래 만한게 없음 아..난 작업이란걸 해본적이 없구나.. 먼산.. |
Twitter Update 3 - 11112011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 대ㅡ박 나 중국 웨이보 팔로워 100만 돌파.. 어제 같이 만난 중국 mc형은 팔로워가 2500만....중프(중국프린스)의 길은 멀고도 험하군요.
Translation: Yay!(Daeback) My Chinese weibo has one million followers.. The MC hyung(brother) i met yesterday had 25million followers.. The road to become중프(abbreviation of Chinese Prince) is still far
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 11112011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 인턴기자님들하..나 이거 기사 내주면 안됨? 아시아프린스 장근석 사랑비 촬영장에 밥차 쏘다!! 난 대인배니까....ㄲㄲㄲ 합천은 너무 멀어.
Translation: Internet reporters, can you please report this for your next article? Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk prepared a dining car at the set of Love Rain!! HapCheon is so far away..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 11 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 산속에 아무것도 없는 합천셋트장에 밥차를 출동시킴..야식!오로지 현장에서 고생하시는 스텝들과 보조출연자들을 위해..!!이게바로 대인배 근짱이닷! 근데..다음은 윤감독님 차례입니당 ㅋㅋ |
Twitter Update 10 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 야!!!!!!!!뭐야!!!! 누가 이런짓했어!!!!!!!!! |
Twitter Update 9 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ 부럽지!!! 우리 스티커사진 찍는사이닷!! 근데 오락실에서 내기게임 이겼는데 주인님 삐져서 도로 돌려줌... 너는펫 대박!! 멍멍!
Translation: |
Twitter Update 6 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ 이거 모야!! 내가 철부지야!!!! 너는펫 대박!!!!!
Translation: What is this!!! I am beautiful!!!!! You're My Pet Fighting!!!!!! |
Twitter Update 5 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 체리짱....다음부터는 라면과 맥주먹고 자지 말것...장근석 스텝의 현실....늘....수면부족.... |
Twitter Update 4 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이런걸 전문용어로 이렇게 말하지...두집살림 ㄲㄲㄲㄲ너는펫 대박!!! 사랑비도.....-_-
Translation: We say this 'Living with two wives' kkkk 'You are pet' Big Success!!! Love Rain, too.....-_-
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 3 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 그래...나는 이런사람이야...ㄴ ㅑ 수능 끝나는시간때쯤 주인님이랑 오가이바에서 찍은 스티커사진 보여줄테니까 기대해 쿄쿄쿄쿄쿄 너는펫 대박!!
Translation: Yes.....I am a man like this....Hey! I will show you the sticker photo taken with master at Odaiba ....expect......kkkk.....'You are pet' Great success!!!!
(Kim ha neul said...in the news...
Jangkeunsuk is very considerate of her...she thanks him.)
- cr: skthtj
Twitter Update 2 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 트위터 파고 계시는 인턴 기자님들..너는펫 오늘 개봉인거 알고는 계시죵? 호호호호 근데 난 합천에서 사랑비촬영중....-_-
Translation: Intern reporters who is reading twitter hard....You know 'You are my pet' opens today? hohohoho..but I am shooting 'Love Rain' in Hapchun....
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11102011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 오늘 너는펫 개봉이군요...개봉기념 하루종일 폭트를 쵸져볼까 하는데..수험생들은 끝나고 참여하센~~~~아 보고싶은 주인님!!
Translation: 'You are my pet' opens today.....I will chozer tweetstorm all day to celebrate the opening.... Examinees , come on after finishing the examination....Ah...I miss my master.....
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 3 - 11092011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 가을이 되니 나무들이 살 빠졌다..입맛이 없나 나무들도..
Translation: The trees fell because EDI is the fall ... taste, nothing to buy trees. (google translate)
*met* |
Twitter Update 2 - 11092011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 서인하 등장 뚜둥!! 아침날씨가 꾸물거려 비올것 같다는 예상에 살짝 설레었으나 오늘 전부 실내촬영........하................
Translation: This is Seo In Ha!!! Ta-da!!! I expect a little as it seems to rain from the morning......but all shooting will be inside today.......sigh............
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11092011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 눈 떠 보니 대구..여기 모노레일 생기나보다..한창 공사중..타보고 싶다..대구여자랑...
Translation: I am in Daegu...when I open my eyes....Monorail is being made here....I want to ride that...with a Daegu girl....
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 4 - 11082011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 포도서비스가 왠말인가!!!! 내가 바로 아시아프린스다!!! 돼지 분식 만세만세만만세
Translation: Wow! Grapes for service!!! I am the Asia Prince!!! Hurray! Hurray! Huuray! Dwaeji Bunsik(Pig Snack)!!!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 3 - 11082011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 싸인10장과 치즈 두장을 바꿨다!!!!! 음하ㅏ하하하하핫!!!'!!!
Translation: Exchanged 10 signature with 2 cheese!!!! um Wahahahaha!!!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 11082011
Twitter Update 2 - 11082011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 또 왔다..돼지분식...!!!!
Translation: Came again....Dwaeji Bunsik! (Pig snack)
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11082011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 노천극장에서 즐잠했네..아 학교오는 시간이 유일한 쉬는시간이구나....
Translation: Having a good nap at the outdoor theaters... Ah it's the only time to catch a break at school...
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 4 - 11072011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 누군가 날 자꾸 부른다 했더니만...
Translation: It seemed someone called me.....
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 3 - 11072011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 촬영끝..서울 올라가는 길에 차에서 달팽이 팩해야지 ㅎㅎㅎ 다들 즐잠~~사랑비 화이팅!!
Translation: Finish filming.. On my way to Seoul, I'm gonna put on a snail facial mask(Nature's Republic Product) in the car. Hehehe! Everyone good night~~ Love Rain Hwaiting!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Updates 1 - 11062011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이틀간을 합쳐 세시간 밖에 못자서 모레사막처럼 건조해져버린 나의 피부를 네이쳐 리퍼블릭의 달팽이 팩이 원상복구 시켜주었다..역시 얼굴이 건조하면 안돼...그래서 준비했다 차량용가습기!!
Translation: I had slept only for three hours for two days and my skin became dry as sand desert..but nature republic snail face pack recovered my skin....Face must not be dried...So I prepared a humidifier for the car!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11052011
AsiaPricne_JKS: 일주일에 두개 째..지겨워.. 혈관이 도망다니느라 주사 바늘 세번 꽂고.. 이젠 그냥 그러려니..
Translation: Twice in a week...boring....They stuck the needle three times to look for the blood vessle....now...it is nothing....
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 11032011
AsiaPrince_JKS:트리제이 메니지먼트 전면 계획 수정 카레빵맨 빠이크리!
Translation: Tree-J management department plan, modifed, Kareman Bye Cri!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 1 - 11022011
AsiaPrince_JKS:보고싶은 사랑비 팀들..이제 다시 촬영 시작이다!! 석호감독님 작가님 윤아 시후 인국이 보라누나 은서누나 스텝형아누나들아! 드디어 내가 간다! 화이팅! 근짱은 링거 투혼중ㅠ근데 쉬는날에 너는펫 보러가자 ㅋㅋ
Translation:I miss Love Rain Team.. Yesterday filming resumed!! Director Seok Ho, Writer, Yoona, Si Hoo, In Guk, Bora Nuna(sis) Eun Seo Nuna(sis), and all the staff! Finally i'm going! Hwaiting! Gun-chan had medical drip so abit dizzy ㅠ, But during off day let's go watch You're My Pet haha!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 10 - 10302011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 강남구 신사동 554-32 025436321 colamercato 진짜 맛이 미쳤어!!! 현덕! 맛 인정! 탄산수 땡큐크리!!
Translation: The taste is crazy!!! Hyunduk! I appreciate the taste! Thank you cri for the soda!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 9 - 10302011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 강남구 신사동 554-32 025436321 colamercato 진짜 맛이 미쳤어!!!
Translation: Kangnam-gu Shinsa-dong 554-32 , 025436321 colamercato..The taste is crazy!!!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 8 - 10302011
AsiaPricne_JKS: 루꼴라 등장 뚜둥!!!
Translation: Rucola came! Ta-da!!!!!!!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 7 - 10302011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 세상에 이런맛이 있었다니!!!!!!!!!
Translation: Oh my God! How dilicious it is!!!!!!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 6 - 10302011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 친구가 레스토랑을 오픈했는데 시식하러왔음.과연 근짱의 입맛을 감동시킬수있을까...??기대중..
Translation: My friend opened a restaurant and I came to taste foods. Could it impress Keunjjang's taste?I am expecting.......
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 11 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: みんな!!おつかれさま! とくにまきむらさん!あいしてるよんwwww
Translation: Everyone! You are tired! Especially Maki Mura-san! We meet when we're miles apart!!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 7 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 여권이나 잃어버려서 출국도 못한 주제에~~~돈내놔라 장바구니~~~
Translation: You are only a man who lost your passport and could not go abroad last time... Give me money~~You shopping Cart~~~
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 7 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 알겠고 돈이나 내놔 겨드랑이에 털도 없는게~~~
Translation: I know...Anyway you give me money...you have no hair under the arm...
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 6 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 돈이나 내놓으라고..내돈 5만엔...여기저기서 옷 벗으면 다냐 ? 장바구니 근육괴물아~~~~~
Translation: Just give me my money..my 50000yen...You take off your clothes anywhere,that's all? You shopping basket ,muscle monster!
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 5 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 돈이나 내놔 양아치..
Translation: Just give me my money...gangster...
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 4 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 도망자.....
Translation: The Runaway....
cr: angelnuna |
Twitter Update 3 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 5만엔 내놔.....
Translation: Give me 50000yen...
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 2 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: あらびきハンバグ。。。。なかった。。
Translation: Hamburger finished
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 1 - 10282011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 장바구니(커트)랑 어제 오다이바에서 철권 내기해서 5만엔을 땄다..그런데................이색히 돈 안주고 오늘 아침 한국으로 날랐다....내 5만엔....악착같이 받아낼거다 지옥끝까지 쫓아간다..
Translation: I played Chul-Gwun game for money with Kurt and I won 50000 yen in Odaiba yesterday... but he didn't give it to me and ran away to Korea this morning!Bastard! My 50000yen...I will get it tenaciously... I will run after you to the hell...
cr: anglenuna |
Twitter Update 4 - 10272011
AsiaPrince_JKS: .. |
Twitter Update 1 - 10272011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 주인님이 친히 도쿄까지 공연보러 와주셨어요~ 라운지에이치에 빠져버린 주인님ㅎㅎ 땡큐~~~~ 근데 나 얼굴 완전 큰바위처럼 보인다 ㅡ.,ㅡ
Translation: My owner came to tokyo to see my concert for herself~ She fell in the Lounge H! haha Thank you~ Anyway,My face looks like a large stone face.ㅡ.,ㅡ
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 2 - 10232011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 강아지분실 RT 부탁드려요. 이탈리안 그레이하운드 22일 청담동 M.Net 도로변분실 인식표 목걸이 착용중 010-3333-6343, 010-7240-9931 spic.kr/4mm5 |
Twitter Update 1 - 10232011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 어제오사카의키즈나(끊을수없는인연)장어들!오늘도 한번 더 다같이 해보자! 昨日大阪の 絆うなぎたち!今日ももう一回いっしょうにやって見ましょう!!
Translation: Kizuna(bond that can't be broke)eels yesterday in Osaka! Today, let's do it again!
**same meaning for Korean and Japanese.. ^^
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 6 - 10212011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이것이 바로 한류스타의 위장술... 신사이바시를 활보해도 아무도 못알아본다 ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: This is a disguise of a Hallyu Star... no one will recognize me if i walk on the streets of Shinsaibashi. Hahaha |
Twitter Update 5 - 10212011
AsiaPrince_JKS: キャ!!!
Translation: Delicious!!! |
Twitter Update 4 - 10212011
AsiaPrince_JKS: すごく美味しい店!!ぐんちゃんのおすすめ!ぜひ食べて見てね!
Translation: Very good restaurant. I recommend this one.. I look forward on eating experience.. |
Twitter Update - 10082011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 맛있는 집은 무조건 알려져야함! 장근석 인증 부산맛집 두메산골...!!!꽃게당 강추 아 ..낮술먹었더니 해롱해롱 べろべろだな~~
Translation: Good restaurant should be widely known absolutely. Certified by JangKeunSuk, Busan restaurant,'Doome Sangol(remote countryside)'! I recommend blue crab soup highly! Ah..I drink a little alcohol..hehe....
cr: skthtj(anglenuna) |
Twitter Update- 10082011
@AsiaPrince_JKS:(100811) 어제 내 머리에 꽃혀있던것들...아시아왕자는 아무나하는게 아님.../fw
Translation:These were put in my hair yesterday...Asia Prince isn't a job for everyone....
cr:skthtj(angel) |
Twitter Update - 10082011
AsiaPrince_JKS:(100811) 아침부터 쵸지는중(춤추는중)이에요...
내친구들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오늘 점심은 뭘먹나 부산음식 추천 고고!!!!!
Translation: I'm chozer..ing(dancing) from the morning.... This is my friends...kkk...What shall I have for lunch...Recommend Busan food to me~go,go!!!
cr:skthtj(angel) |
Twitter Update - 10072011
AsiaPrince_JKS: ぼくあさからテレビに出ている!!笑
Translation: I am on TV since early morning!! Haha.
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update - 10072011
AsiaPrince_JKS:[100711] 도쿄에서 부산까지 무사히도착했어요.. 내가 좋아하는 부산..슬슬 불태워볼까요......쵸져뻑킹맨....너는펫 화이팅..
Translation: I arrived at Busan from tokyo safely...My favorite Busan... Shall we fire it from now....? Chozer~~Fighting 'You are my pet'!!!
cr:skthtj(angel) |
Twitter Update - 10062011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 일단 먼저 놀고 일은 나중에!!!!
아 쵸져!!!!!!!내가바로 셔플킹이닷!!!!!!!
Translation: Translation: Shall play first, do work later!!!! Ah..Chozer!!!!!! I am the shuffle king!!!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 10062011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 만났다......LMFAO.....같이 추자고 한다....shuffle.....붙었다......battle...!!!
무대에 올라오라는데..어쩔까나...??
Translation: I've met them...LMFAO... danced together.... shuffle.... battle...!!! Up in the stage.. what should i do..??
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 10062011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 만났다......LMFAO.....같이 추자고 한다....shuffle.....붙었다......battle...!!!
무대에 올라오라는데..어쩔까나...??
Translation: I've met them...LMFAO... danced together.... shuffle.... battle...!!! Up in the stage.. what should i do..??
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 1 - 10062011
AsiaPrince_JKS: おあいできてうれしかったです。。^^
Translation: Translation: Glad to meet you..^^
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 10042011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 잘가요..자기가 사람인줄 아는 개순이..촬영차 잠깐 휴가나왔다고 개학교 복귀중..개되서 돌아와주세요...개순이이병..
Translation: Good bye..Suni..the dog who is thinking she is a human...She had holidays for shooting..and now she is going back to dog training school... Please come back as being a dog...private Suni...
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 1 - 10042011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 세시간 자고 학교크리했어요..고된 노동으로 힘들었었는데 갑자기 들려오는 희소식..오후수업 휴강크리..역시 될놈은 되는것같아요..하교중...아..씐나..!!!
Translation: Slept for only 3 hours, and went to school now cri.. Felt very bad, but suddenly i heard a good news.. the classes in the afternoon are cancelled cri.. just as i wished.. Finished school.. Ah.. feels so good..!!!
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 10042011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 잘가요..자기가 사람인줄 아는 개순이..촬영차 잠깐 휴가나왔다고 개학교 복귀중..개되서 돌아와주세요...개순이이병..
Translation: Good bye..Suni..the dog who is thinking she is a human...She had holidays for shooting..and now she is going back to dog training school... Please come back as being a dog...private Suni...
cr: skthtj |
Twitter Update 3 - 10022011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 작품구상중이에요..인하는 미대생이랍니다...미....미대생....
Translation: Masterpiece is still work in progress. In Ha is Art Student... Art..Art Student..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 2 - 10022011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 쫓는자와 쫓기는자..가을...
Translation: The person chasing and the person who being chased... Autumn..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 1 - 10022011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 다시...아...가을....
Translation: Again..Ah..Autumn..
cr: sa_sha26 |
Twitter Update 1 - 10012011
AsiaPrince_JKS: 가을날 음반하나 추천..내 인생 불후의 명반이어요..이때 처음 버벌진트형아의랩을 들었더랬죠...^^강력하게 추천하는 바입니다
Translation: I would like to recommend a song for this autumn. An album that first always in my life(?) First time listening to Verbal Jint hyung's(brother)rap..^^ Highly recommended
cr: sa_sha26 |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 애국한양 후배들에게 피자를 사줬어요.. 15명이니까 15판...많이먹어 후배들아.. 남기면...........죽어.....
Translation: I bought pizzas for Hanyang University Juniors. 15 peoples... 15 pizza.. Eat more juniors.. If there's any leftovers.. you will be dead...
cr: sa_sha26 |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 애국한양 후배들에게 피자를 사줬어요.. 15명이니까 15판...많이먹어 후배들아.. 남기면...........죽어.....
Translation: I bought pizzas for Hanyang University Juniors. 15 peoples... 15 pizza.. Eat more juniors.. If there's any leftovers.. you will be dead...
cr: sa_sha2 |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: 난 고기좀 먹겠음 ㄲㄲ | Translation: I am eating grilled meat. Haha |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!!사고한번 쳐 보려함... 장근석에게 꿈이란...? ㅡ 다음일정일뿐 ㄲㄲ간만에 허세 돋네..ㄲㄲ 내 꿈내 꿈계정복!! 지구인들을 장어로ㄲㄲㄲ장어들이여 헤엄쳐라!! | Translation: Hey! I will make something big
| What's the dream for JangKeunSuk...?ㅡ
It is just the next schedule....kkk What a bluffing... | My dream is conquering the world!! | Make all people eels!! Swim !!! Eels !!! |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아...우리 엄마 할로윈 파티 준비하신단다...역시 이번에도 엄마한테 한 발 늦었다...그리고....밧데리없다......
Translation: Ah.. My Mum is preparing for Halloween Party.. Once again, I am one step later than my mum.... And battery is dying.. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: “@treeJ_company: 크리제이 장어분들 굿모닝! 어제 새벽까지 빅브라더와 새로운 작업을 끝낸후 장배우의 모습입니다. 장배우의 웃는 얼굴보고 좋은 하루 되세요.^^
Translation: Good morning cri-j eels! This is the picture of Actor Jang who worked with Big Brother till very late last night. Hope you all have a great day after seeing Actor Jang's smile. ^^ |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 오늘 스케쥴 종료..Team H 신곡 나왔음. 뚣웅!!!아 피곤해서 폭트도 못하겠음..
Translation: Today after schedule finished. New song of Team H is out! Dong Dong!! Ah, i am tired already...can't do the tweetstorm. |
Translation:Finished setting at last...But dvj not yet...This is a paradise...Ah~~happy like I can fly~~ | AsiaPrince_JKS: 드디어 셋팅완료...그런데 dvj가 아직.....아....여기는 천국이구나....아........ | 날아갈듯........ |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 김민혜 나이 서.......른 직업 백수 혹은 장근석 친구 특징 언제부턴가 팔뚝이 두꺼워지기 시작 재일교포인데 한국말 일본말 두개 다 못함 발음이 잘 샘
Translation: Name: Kim Min Hye Age: 3...0 Job: Jobless or Jang Keun Sul's friend. Feature: Don't know since when her
arms are so big. She's a traveler but her Japanese and Korean is not good, messed-up pronunciation. |
@AsiaPrince_JKS: 훗 은퇴는 무슨..그러기엔 아직 사랑해야 할 여자가 너무나도 많다 그 이름은 장어들~~~~전세계인을 장어로 만들어보세~쀼잉쀼 | Translation: What the retire? I have too much women to love to retire...The name is eels~Let's make all people in the world eels~~Bbuing bbuing~~ |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아 폭트 많이 했더니 피곤하다...자야지..늘 한결같은 모습으로 즐잠~~ 여러분 사랑해여~^^쀼잉쀼잉
Translation: I'm tired by tweetstorm... I will sleep....Good sleep with the same look....I love you~~~^^ Bbuing bbuing~ |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 라강윤 직업 코기코기 밀탑 팥빙수 청소담당 특징 말이 느림 기타 장근석의 폭트를 보고위기의식 기의식 방금 전화 옴.."근석아 형은 마음속깊은곳으로부터 널 아끼고 사랑해 우유빛깔 장근석"....그러나 짤없음
Translation: Name: Ra Gang Yoon Job: Cleaner in Kogi Kogi ice cream shop. Features: speaks slowly. Others: When he
senses Jang Keun Suk is going to tweetstorm, he will call up "Keun Suk ah.. Hyung(Brother)loves you very much, milky color Jang Keun Suk"... But it's short. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 정커트 일본명 캇또 예명 빅브라더 중국명 큰형님 별명 미군 직업 장근석 전담 프로듀서 특징 술 완전 못마심
Translation: Name: Kurt Japanese Name: Kato Screen Name: BigBrother Chinese Name: BigBrother(大哥)
Nickname: US Army Job: Jang Keun Suk's exclusive producer. Features: Can't drink at all. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 김록 29세 직업 장근석 친구 and 플래닛드림 이사 특징 양아치 집단 팀에이치 의 총무담당 | Translation: Name: Kim Rok 29 years old. Job: Jang Keun Suk's friend and Planet Dream Director. Features: Punk, in charge of Team H. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 고민철 28세 장근석 수행비서...매니져로는 꽝.. 비서로는 짱..!!
Translation: Name: Go Min Chul 28 years old. Jang Keun Suk's secretary.. A terrible manager but an awesome secretary..! |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 제이슨 장 직업 비 장근석의 대중화권 프로모터 특징 돼지의 탈을 씀
Translation: Name: Jason Jang. Job: Rain and Jang Keun Suk's China Entertainment Network Promoter. Features: Wearing a pig's mask. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 윤재호 28세 게이오 대학원 재학중 이상형 머리만 길면 다 좋아함..
Translation: Name Yoon Jae Ho 28 years old. Studying in KO University. Ideal type: long hair will do. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 윤재호 28세 게이오 대학원 재학중 이상형 머리만 길면 다 좋아함..
Translation: Name Yoon Jae Ho 28 years old. Studying in KO University. Ideal type: long hair will do. |
AsiaPrince_JKS:09272011 이름 윤재호 28세 게이오 대학원 재학중 이상형 머리만 길면 다 좋아함..
Translation: Name Yoon Jae Ho 28 years old. Studying in KO University. Ideal type: long hair will do. |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: 09272011 한장더... | Translation: Another picture. |
AsiaPrince_JKS:09272011 이름 송은석 31세 장근석매니져 팀장 곧 그만둠
Translation: Name: Song Eun Suk 31 years old. Jang Keun Suk's Manager, Team Leader, He's quitting soon. |
| AsiaPrince_JKS:09272011 장근석 25세 아시아프린스 | Translation: Jang Keun Suk 25 years old Asia Prince |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 어쨋건 어제 새벽까지 저 난리를 치고 나는 학교로 향했다는 슬픈 전설이..ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: Anyway...I have been in that situation to early in the morning...and I had to go to school...sad..... | (cartoon translation) I won't tell you in detail anymore. |
Trans:you must be start shooting again..I would show you my truth...kk...But it has not finished...I will show you after finishing! (I love you,JangKeunSuk, Love Rain, Fighting,Can you see my truth?)
AsiaPrince_JKS 근석이 조용해진거 보니 촬영 재개? 내 진심을 보여주려고 했더니...ㅋㅋ그러나 미완성~ 완성되면 보여줄게!!! |
trans:I start with this.... The situation is....World star Took a photo of me without my notice when I was sleeping...and he insisted he had younger liver....But I had wine after I said to him good-bye...This is my answer to world star's provoking...He does not answer me after this cacao-talk...kkkk
@AsiaPrince_JKS: 이것부터 시작하지...상황은 이러함 잠깐 잠든근석을 월드스타가 도촬하며 본인이 젊음의 생간이라고 우김 인사하면서빠이크리 근석은 3차로 와인을 또 마심..월 | 드스타의 도발에 응수함. | 저 카톡이후로 월드스타 연락두절ㄲㄲ |
trans:Wahahahaha! Did the world star fell asleep? What is this? Was he bluffing? Bluff Rain!!
AsiaPrince_JKS: 푸하ㅏ하하ㅏㅏㅏ 월드스타도 잠듬?? 뭐야 나한테 허세부린거였어!!!! 비허세!!!ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ |
trans:Wahahahaha! Did the world star fell asleep? What is this? Was he bluffing? Bluff Rain!!
AsiaPrince_JKS: 푸하ㅏ하하ㅏㅏㅏ 월드스타도 잠듬?? 뭐야 나한테 허세부린거였어!!!! 비허세!!!ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ |
TRANS:He was scared seeing my tweetstorm and called me at the moment.."KeunSuk,I love you in my soul of souls...Milky JangKeunSuk!! " But I'm not generous.... | AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 라강윤 | 직업 코기코기 밀탑 팥빙수 청소담당 | 특징 말이 느림 | 기타 장근석의 폭트를 보고위기의식 느끼고 방금 전화 옴.."근석아 형은 마음속깊은곳으로부터 널 아끼고 사랑해
우유빛깔 장근석"....그러나 짤없음 |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ 이거나 보라!!! 한류스타학생의 특강을!!! 듣는이..............................................우리과 다섯명..........
Translation: Hey! Look at this! There are five students ....listening the presentation of Hallyu Star..... |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: 09262011 나 발표하는 남자... | Translation: Having a presentation |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 와핳하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하핳하ㅏ하하하하핳하ㅏㅎ하ㅏ라라라라라하하하하하핳히하하하하ㅏㅎ하ㅏ하하하하하하하하핳하ㅏ
Translation: bwahhahahahahahahahaahhahah rararara hahahahah |
AsiaPrince_JKS: AsiaPrince_JKS: 월드스타....도발하지 마시오....부글부글
Translation: Do not provoke a world star.. Bubbles bubbels (Google translation) |
AsiaPrince_JKS:09252011 어제의 아이들과 다시 조우 뉴페이스도 있음..
Translation: I'm with the girls I met yesterday..and some new faces... |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: 나의 인기..혹은 윤아의 인기... | Translation: My popularity... or Yoon Ah's popularity... |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 폭트끝 밥먹을거임 윤아의 옆자리에서.........하앜하앜쀼잉쀼잉 선덕선덕 |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: 지금 서울을 쏴서 여기를 갈까.... 내 친구여..치사하게 나없이 혼자노는꼴 못보겠음...Translation: Now return to Seoul? My friend (Big Brother Kurt).. Left me alone and go to play. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!!!! 프리마돈나 이것들아!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........잘못했어... 몰랐었어.......라지만 나에겐 장어가 있닷!!!! 소원도 있닷!!!!!!!! 근데..다 어디갔니......-_-??
Translation: Nyaa!! Primadonna hear this!!!!!!!!1 ...... It's my bad, i didn't know...... my eels are important to me!!!! I have SONEs too!!!!!! But where are all of them.....-_-?? |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 촬영하다 잠깐 짬나서 여자사람들과 이야기중..이 아이들 참 리액션이 없다..... 좋아하는 배우 물어보니 망설임도없이 공유라고........ 너네 아웃..!
Translation: I'm taking a rest...talking with women...but this people have no reaction...When I asked their favorite actor, they said KongYoo with no hesitation....You are out!!! |
asiaprince_jks update:(092411)ㄴ ㅑ!!! 나 윤아랑 인국이랑 점심부터 삼겹살먹음!!! 우리 삼겹살냄새에 취해 촬영중!! 소원들아 삼겹살을 핥아랏!!!! 하앜하앜하앜 쀼잉쀼잉 근데 부산여자가 이쁜가요 대구여자가이쁜가요? 과연 오늘밤 어디로..
Translation: Nyaa!! I am eating samgyupsal(pork)for lunch with Yoona and Seo In Guk!! We are shooting the scene with a very strong smell of samgyupsal. SONEs come eat the samgyupsal. Hahahaha. But are Busan girls pretty? Daegu girls pretty? Where will i go tonight.. |
Trans:This is YoonAh's hand!! Let's be friendly~Sowon!(Girl's Genereation's fans) Now,It's Eel's Generation!!...
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!! 윤아 손 등장이닭!!! 하앜하앜 우리 쫌 친해지자...소원들아 !!! 지금은 장어시대...!!!! Cr:skthtj (angel) |
Translation: Start to spam in 20minutes... wait and see..hehehe
AsiaPrince_JKS update:ㄴ ㅑ!! 폭트나 할라니께 20분까지 모여봐....ㄲㄲㄲ |
| translation:Fight......fighting.... Love Rain....... |
@AsiaPrince_JKS update(092411): 사랑비....화...화이팅......... |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 월드스타님 차 바꾸셨다고 개그를개그를.. 기사님 늦은시간까지 수고 하십니다 꾸벅! 같이 인사함 ㅋㅋ 아 외로운 밤이여..
Translation: Rain joked that he changed his car....gag...gag...Thank you for your effort,driver. I say good-bye together. kk Ah....lonely night... |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 월드스타님 차 바꾸셨다고 개그를개그를.. 기사님 늦은시간까지 수고 하십니다 꾸벅! 같이 인사함 ㅋㅋ 아 외로운 밤이여..
Translation: Rain joked that he changed his car....gag...gag...Thank you for your effort,driver. I say good-bye together. kk Ah....lonely night... |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ 비 님 팔뚝이나 보센 ㄲㄲㄲ 자세히보면 내 명함도있음 ㄲㄲㄲTranslation: Hey! Here is Rain's forearm...kkk..Look carefully and you can see my card. kkk |
asiaprince update(092311)아아아아아아아아아아아 띰띰햇!!!!!!!! 번역기 이용중인 외국장어들을 위해..심심해 라는 뜻이 꺅 친절돋네
Trans (sa_sha26): Ahhhhhhhh !!! This is dedicated to International eels that are using translating device(google translate).. if you're bored just look at my tweets, you will feel more intimate |
trans:Finished lunch.I'm full~Who am I and Where am I~~
AsiaPrince_JKS(092311): 식사 끝 도저히 안들어간다... 난 누군가 또 여긴 어딘가.. |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아 기분 좋은 밤....좋은 사람들........좋은 배우들..좋은 친구들....그리고 좋은 인연..................... 가 아니고 역시 여자는 없음 젠장...쒸엣!!!!!어쨋건 사랑비 화이팅!!!!
Translation: Ah~I feel good~ Beautiful night....good people.....good actors....good friends....and good relationship.....? No! no women..! shi.......t! Anyway, Fighting! 'Love Rain' ! |
trans:Hey! You are fooled~~~kkk I will play a game...with Si Hoo~Byecri! | AsiaPrince_JKS(092211): ㄴ ㅑ 너네 낚였어 ㄲㄲㄲ나 이제 | 게임한다 빠이크리 ㅡ 아 그리고 내 상대는 시후 닷 ㄲㄲㄲ |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 으흐흐흐흐 작업용 명함과 작업용 전화기가 도착했다!!! 이것을 품고 밤거리를 누벼야지!!! ㄴ ㅑ!! 씻고 자라!! 나 놀러갈거임 빠이크리~!그리고.. 할로윈파티라는 함정을 파 볼 예정인데..혹시 올 사람 있음??
Translation: huhuhuhu....My card and phone for work arrived!!! I will go around the street at night with them!!! Hey! Wash and sleep!! I'm going to play~ Byecri~ And I will set a trap named Halloween Party...Is there anybody to come? |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!!나 드디어 촬영끝!! 시상식머리한거 드라이로 피면서 뒤늦게 육식남 변신중..오늘은 어디서 누구랑 술먹어야 하나...어흥..
Translation: Hey! I finished shooting at last!! I'm changing into a carnivorous man making my curled hair straight....With whom would I go to drink....Roar!! |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 후아..또 다시 대세가 되어가는건가..이홍기보다도 최종훈보다도 용준형보다도 팔로워가 적은 내가!!!!!??!!!!감개무량하도다...장어들아!!!! 세계로 나가보자!!!!! 나를 따르라!!! ㄴ ㅑ!자극은그만해라ㄲㄲ |
| AsiaPrince_JKS: 대인배 아시아 프린스!!!wanna be월드스타!!!장근석 만세 만세 만만세!!!!! 현장은 감동의 눈물 바다가 되어버렸습니다!!!!Translation: A man of virtue, Asia prince!!! Wanna be world star Jang Keun Suk!! Hurray!Hurray! Hurray!All the people at the scene are moved to tears!!! |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!!도저히 30분 못기다리겠다!!!장어들아 나도 사...사..좋아해 으헝 지금은 장어시대!! !! 나 머리 잘랐음둥!!! 어때어때?워뗘워뗘? どうどう?how is it?
Translation: Hey! I can't help waiting! Eels!! I lo.....lo...like you!!! uhung....Now it is Eel's Generation! I had my hair cut! How do I look???? |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!!도저히 30분 못기다리겠다!!!장어들아 나도 사...사..좋아해 으헝
지금은 장어시대!! !! 나 머리 잘랐음둥!!! 어때어때?워뗘워뗘? どうどう?how is it?
Translation: Hey! I can't help waiting! Eels!! I lo.....lo...like you!!! uhung....Now it is Eel's Generation! I had my hair cut! How do I look???? |
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!! 사진 올렸음둥..!! 그러나 크리제이 홈페이지에 ㄲㄲㄲ 억울하면 가입하던가~ www.cri-j.com ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아웃겨 약오르지 약오르지ㄲㄲㄲㄲ아이고 배야~~ 장어들아 프린스성 고고!!
Translation: Hey! I uploaded my picture! but in the Cri-J homepage! Do you think it unfair? Join a member~kkk~~ Funny..kkk...Tease-ya! Tease-ya! Eels! Go, go to the Prince's Castle! |
AsiaPrince_JKS:09212011 ㄴ ㅑ!약속대로 짤은 주겠다만..Rt받으려고 날 자극시키는 트윗&팔로워도 완전 쬐금 늘었고 언팔한다는 여자사람들에 실망해뜸.. 폭트 ...이제부터 하지 말아야겠다....너네이쁜말하면 풀메이크업과 머리컷트공개하겠씜
Translation:Hey! I give you the picture as I promised...But the tweet&followers;grew very little..and I dissapointed that some women would unfollow me...I would not do tweetstorm from now....If you say nicely, I'll show you my picture with full make-up and hair cut~~ |
@AsiaPrince_JKS : 매직으로 쓰여진 숫자 5가 내 마음을 아프게만 한다...하교중.....방과 후 육식남 거거 ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: I feel sick at heart because of that number 5 ...I'm going away from school...I will become a carnivorious man...kkk |
| @AsiaPrince_JKS: 결과는 뚜둥..!!! 공짜라면 두개 득템!! 입안에 퍼지는 msg의 향연..!!!그런데...메뉴가 500원씩 올랐다...다음주에는 간만에 밥샵 에서 시켜먹어야지.....
| Translation: The result is...! We got two bowls of bonus ramyun!! I like the taste of MSG!! But...the price became went up for 500won...I will eat at Bobshop next week..... |
@AsiaPrince_JKS:09202011 돼지분식을 향했다..인원은 나 빅브라더 카레빵맨(매니져) 오정환서수석(06동기)5人..과연 세명이 와야 공짜라면을 주는 이곳에서 과연 아줌마는 라면을 두개 끓여줄것인가..흥미진진..
Translation: ...going to 'Doiji Bunsik' ...We are 5 people..Big brother, Kare-man,Oh Junghwan,Seo Soosuk(my classmates), and me....the bonus ramyun is one for three men...Will she(storekeeper) give us two bowls of bonus ramyun?....it's exciting! |
@AsiaPrince_JKS:0920211 장근석 중국데뷰 그룹 Team-H의 아티스트이자 프로듀서 bigbrother를 이끌고..
Translation: I am with Big brother who is the artist and producer of Team-H, Jang Keun Suk's debut group in China.... |
@asiaprince_jks twitter update:등교중..아..아침부터 입돌아갈듯.. 여러준 모두 감시조심하세여~~~^^ 라고 쓰면 존트 나답지 않구나.. 장어떼들이여 졸춥..오늘도 즐공~~ 슬슬 잠깨기위한 폭트를 시작해볼까나.
Translation: I'm going to school...It's very cold..Be careful not to catch a cold..^^...haha...It is uncharacteristic of me.... hey,eels~cold, cold....Let's pour tweets to make me awake. |
@AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update: 오늘의 점심은..따사로운 햇살아래..아 아니-_- 졸 따땃한 테라스에 먹은 언더더씨 라는 샐러드.. 아.. 수업..수업..수업..빅브라더 학교에서 만나기로 ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: Today's lunch....salad named 'under the sea' in the warm terrace...ah..class...class...I will meet Big Brother at school... |
| @AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update: 수업끝...아...발레홀이 비어있네....난 왜이리 운이 없을까.. 머플러와 가죽쟈켓 다 집어던짐...아니!!그나자나 영화부 열세명듣는 수업에 열두명남자사람에다가 여자사람하나가 말이된다고?? 하..... | Translation: The class is over...ah...ballet hall is empty...I'm so unlucky...I took off my muffler and leather jacket...Anyway! there is only one girl of thirteen students in my Movie class! sigh...... |
@AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!! 탈의실훔쳐보는것고 아니고 발레홀 보는건데 뭐가 변태라는거야!! 나도1년전에 너는펫때문에 무용배워서 작품감상하고 있구만...!!!!!! 여자를 보는게 아니리 작품을 보고있는거라고.... | Traslation: Hey! I'm not sneaking into the fitting room but the ballet hall !!! I learned ballet for 'You are my pet', so I'm watching a ballet work not women... |
| @AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update:ㄲㄲㄲㄲ | Translation: kkkkkk |
@AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update: ㄴ ㅑ 너네가 리트윗해달라고 악쓰고 있을 때 난 머리자름 ㅋㅋㅋ 궁금하지 궁금하지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ냐하ㅏ하~~~ | Translation: Hey !! When you are shouting to retweet , I have my hair cut! kkk You must be curious!!!!! haha~~~~ |
@AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update: ㄴ ㅑ !!장어시대들아!첫 떡밥!!! 오늘 윤아느님 저녁밥상~~마음껏 핥아랏!!ㄲㄲㄲ근데장어먹고있어 ㄷㄷ 그리고 머리 자른거 장근석 어플에 올림 퀘퀘 너넨 안보여줄거야 냐하핫 장어시대들~ 친하게지내자규 | Translation: Hey! Eels Generation! This is the first bonus~ Yoon A's dinner today~~~but she's eating eels...scared...Anyway,I will uproad my photo that I have my hair cut...Be friends with me ! Eels Generation! |
@AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update: 또 왕웃긴거.... 새벽까지 술마시고 촬영장 바로 나가도 체력만땅인데 오늘 학교가서 수업 두개 듣고오니 체력 방전크리...나 순이랑 잔다...갤갤갤ㅡ너네 순느님 한테도 잘보여야해 얘 성깔있음.. | Translation: Very funny...I am not tired after drinking by 5am...but I'm very tired after two classes today...I will sleep with Suni...giggle....Gain faver with Suni...she has a sharp temper.... |
trans:Uh..It's a break time..I made a friend..he is a Chinese,born in 1989...but he looks older than me...anyway, where should I have lunch?
AsiaPrince_JKS: 으...쉬는시간입성...중국인 남자사람 89년생이랑 담배피다 친구됨 외모는 나보다 형인데말이야..쩝 그나저나 점심 어디서먹지... CR:SKTHTJ(angel |
translation:The first class starts...here are only men...s.....study hard......Patriot Hanyang!
AsiaPrince_JKS: 첫 수업시작..근데...여기 남자사람천국............즐....즐공....... 애국한양 ! cr:skthtj(angel) |
asiaprince_jks updates:맛있는 집은 널리널리 퍼트려야함 경기도 하남시 한채당 한정식.. 우리 어머니가 제일 좋아하는 곳.. 깔끔한한정식원하시는분들 컴 컴! 절대 서비스 많이 받아서올리는거 아님 맛있음 | trans:We should say to everyone about good restaurant...Han Chae Dang in Hanam city, Kyung-ki Do which my mother likes very much. If you want neat and delicious Korean food,come on!! I said this ..not because they gave me bonus food much,but the food is delicious..... |
AsiaPrince_JKS update: ㄴ ㅑ!! 나 이제 일하러간다 드라마 사랑비 화이팅!!!!!
Translation by skthtj: Hey! I'm going to work now~~Drama 'Love Rain' fighting! |
asiaprince_jks update:ㄴ ㅑ!! 노네 내가 여자사람이랑 밥먹는다고 했지 약오르지약오르지ㅡ으핳하하
trans:Hey! I told you that I would have lunch with a woman! Tease-ya, tease-ya ! hahaha cr:ss fb |
asiaprince_jks update:맛있는 집은 널리널리 퍼트려야함 경기도 하남시 한채당 한정식.. 우리 어머니가 제일 좋아하는 곳.. 깔끔한한정식원하시는분들 컴 컴! 절대 서비스 많이 받아서올리는거 아님 맛있음 | trans:We should say to everyone about good restaurant...Han Chae Dang in Hanam city, Kyung-ki Do which my mother likes very much. If you want neat and delicious Korean food,come on!! I said this ..not because they gave me bonus food much,but the food is delicious.... |
asiaprince_jks updates:ㄴ ㅑ!! 노네 내가 여자사람이랑 밥먹는다고 했지 약오르지약오르지ㅡ으핳하하 | trans:Hey! I told you that I would have lunch with a woman! Tease-ya, tease-ya ! hahaha | cr:ss fb |
asiaprince_jks update:잠이 안와..말똥말똥 ㄲㄲ근데..팔로워 10만도 안되네.. 중국꺼는 70만넘었는데..하.........귀신같은 트위터.....
trans: I can't fall asleep.. My eyes still wide open ㄲㄲ But.. my followers are not even 100,000.. But China (weibo) fans are absolutely more than 70,000... Ha..... Twitter is like ghost. cr:ss fb |
asiaprince_jks update:초식남이 되어가는 시간...으..즐잠 | trans:I'm becoming a grass-eater...ooh...good sleeping... | cr:ss fb |
| asiaprince_jks update:끝!!!!! 나 이제 논다 안뇽 짐승남이 돌아왔다!! |
trans: END!!!! E most playful man is back!!! |
asiaprince_jks update:여기 어딘지 아는 사람~~~~오면 뻥이요 아니고 진짜로 내가 술 사준다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오예 갑자기 스릴 200만점 물론 남자는 포함 안되고 여자만 사줄거임..!! 자 시작!!!!!두근두군
Trans: Anyone know where is here?~~~ If u come, I will surely treat u a drink. hehehehe.. Oh Ye. The thrill suddenly increased to 200 thousands.. Of course, only for lady, not for men!! Come,Let's start!!! *thump thump* cr:ss fb |
asiaprince_jks update:시작됐다....트윗질........외롭다............집에서 혼자 라면먹음...엄마 아빠가 없다고 좋은게 아니었음........육식남 오늘 밤 먹잇감이 없음.....흐규.......
trans:(skthtj) tweet again.....I'm lonely....I ate ramyun alone at home....It's not good without mom and dad...The meat-eater cannot find meat tonight...sob... |
translation:Ah...I tweeted too much in the beauty shop..I've changed into meat-eater~I have to disappear for I'm a mystery man~ I enjoyed with you! Byecri~~
asiaprince_jks update(091711)아..미용실에서 육식남 변신하는 동안 폭풍트윗했네..난 신비한 남자니까 이제 자취를 감춰야겠다 잘 놀았수다~그럼 빠이크리~~~
asiaprince_jks:와..이태원까지 와서 남자셋이 술따라놓고 입에도 한모금도 안먹고 두시간동안 트윗하다 퇴장..여기 찾아오는 사람도 없구..소리치고 싶다..."씨야아아아아앙!!!!"
Trans: Wow.. 3 men came to Itaewon yet didnt taste a sip of the good wine at all.. Dismissed after spent 2 hours on twitter but noone came. I want to scream : " Ssi Ya AAAAAAng!!!" cr:ss |
| asiaprince_jks update:여기도 남자 두 마리...그것도 심지어 매니져들..나 뭐니 진짜...-_-.
임수정누나는 어디있을까...하.....
Trans : (skthtj) Here are two men....those are my manager....sigh...Where is Im Soojung nuna.... ha... |
translation: pah~Who would envy us as two men is eating ice flakes....ah...Misery my weekend!! Rt @AsiaPrince_JKS Posted frm @kevinra twitter:지금 광주에서 춤추고 있을텐데 엄청 부러울꺼야 걘 남자 6명이랑 있을껄 쌍큐포함 ㅋㅋ"@AsiaPrince_JKS: 참나 남자 둘이 빙수먹는데 택도 부러워하겠다 아ㅡ 내 주말 이게 뭐...
Cr:skthtj |
Translatiön: Oh~I'm on the TV!! Many people would fall in my trap again...But I want to go to the other channel 'Love village'... I want to 'Jjack (mate) entertainer special...a new trap...kkkk
@AsiaPrince_JKS update(091711): 오ㅡ 나 티비니와!!! 또 여럿빠지겠구만 내 함정에..근데 옆채널 애정촌에 연예인 특집이넹..짝 나가고 싶다..새로운 함정을...ㅋㅋ cr:skthtj |
@AsiaPrince Twit Pic 현장보고..남자셋이 집에서 와인크리가 말이되냐고요..근데 나 커피숍에서 임수정 누나 만났음..!! 아아 설레이는 이마음 두근두근 ㅡ 여신님~~~~ 앗 하늘 주인님이 보진 않겠지이거 ㅡㅡ 흠
Translation: I'm reporting the scene...Three men drink wine....does this make sense? Anyway..I met Im Soojung in coffee shop!! ah~~~my heart was beating!!godness~~Oh,Would my master Haneul watch this tweet? |
Translation:Who want to have a party~~?
@AsiaPrince_JKS update:파티하고 싶은사람~~~??
Cr:skthtj |
Translation: The last tweet for today.. I've become a carnivorous man.. How will the Friday night of Asia prince be...dong dong drying my hair in the saloon TT AsiaPrince_jks update:siaPrince_JKS: 오늘 마지막 트윗이 될 듯..이거원 언팔 무서워서 원..자 슬슬 육식남이 되어 봅시다..금요일밤..과연 아시아프린스 남자사람은 어떤 밤을 보내게 될것인가..뚜둥 일단 미용실... Cr:sa_sha26 |
asiaprincejks update(091611):홍스타야 근짱 핸드폰에는 진귀한 자료가 너무나도 많도다 까불지 말것 최종훈 이홍기 까불지맛!!아오씐나!! ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: Hong Star! Gun Chan's handphone has alot of precious thing! Lee Hong Ki, Choi Jong Hun don't play with it!!
cr:sa_sha26 |
Translation: Anyways, this is the magazine i am reading.. I am looking at myself only!!!
asiaprince_jks update(091611)아무튼 근데 읽고 있는 잡지가.....ㄲㄲㄲ난 나만 봐!!! cr:sa_sha26 |
Translation: It seems like she's hungry...I am also like her. I've cut my hair.. Now i am like a "herbivourous" man reading magazines to update current happenings.
asiaprince_jks update(091611)애가 뭔가 배고파 보임.... 아 나도 얘처럼 다 머리 다 밀어버리고 싶다..현재 초식남 모드로 잡지 읽고있는중.. cr:sa_sha26 *mjj* |
asiaprince_jks update:순이라고 하는 저의 강아지 입니다 이 아이가 털을 미뤘는데 완전 뭔가 웃기게 되어버렸음 미요 후 사진 궁금한 사람?ㅋㅋ
translation:This is my dog...Suni. I had her hair cut...and it's very funny...Do you want the photo after cut? kkk cr:SKTHTJ * |
Translation: No.. 숑키(?)
*Picture trans*
Park Shin Hye: Oppa (brother) i just upgraded my phone, all the phone number are gone. Please give me your phone number.
Keun Suk: ....
cr:sa_sha26 *mjj* |
translationt:his is ahjumma(aunty) is an eel.. Why she keep ask me to click below...Why there is no girls...?
[Picture] If you want to tweet so badly, how do you control it? Hehe, there's a lot of fats on your body? Hahaha
asiaprince_jks update:사..사리.....역시 아줌마 장어인가...자꾸 머라 그러면 밑에꺼 클릭할거임... 웨 여자가없을까..
cr:sa_sha26 *mjj* |
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아침출근길..트윗검색으로 쭈욱 보는데 나보고 무릎팍말고 화성인바이러스에 나가라는 글 보고 완전 웃었음 ㅋㅋ 근데 나가는건 어렵지 아닌데 주제를 뭘로 잡나..? 추천좀해주센..
Translation: On my way to work this morning.. searched on twitter, and i read it all. You all want me to go more variety show other than Knee Drop Guru. I watched Martian Virus. It was so funny. Haha. But I don't mind going to that show, just that don't know what topic to talk about..? Please suggest.. |
@AsiaPrince_JKS twitter update: 나를 따르라!!!! 내가 바로 코리안 장근석이다!!!! -_-;; 죄..죄송 팔로워 얼마나되려나....??
Translation: Follow Me!!! I am the Korean Jang Keun Suk!!!! -_-;; So..sorry How many followers do i have....?? |
Twitter Update 09142011_1
@AsiaPrince_JKS : 빼꼼 ㅡ 여기가 올리기만 기사가 나간다는 트윗터의 세계인가요?? 허세 안부릴테니까 저 트위터좀 하면 안될까요 굽신굽신 ㅠㅠ
Translation: Is this the twitter world where every word would become a news ? I don't want to show off, i just want to tweet, can't i? |
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