hello pretty EEL's
These are the tweet updates from treej.
Updates from Tree J's:
오늘 트리제이 이사합니다. 새로운 사무실에서 더욱 발전하는 모습으로 뵙겠습니다~!^^
Trans :Tree J's moving notice has posted in OFC.. Pls check~! ^^
너무 더운 날임에도 열심히 촬영중인 근석군! 어플에 사진 올려주었네요 어서 확인해보셔요. General Trans : SUkkie has uploaded e pic in his Apps~~~
Updates from Tree J:
2011.07.20 20:41
⋯⋯장어분들~! 장배우의 이벤트가 무엇일까요?? 코데즈앞에서 질서있는 모습 꼭~ 지켜주세요~!!^^ 약속부탁드려요~!!^^
Trans: EEls! What activity will Jang Actor present? At Code Combine has an orderly queue~!! ^^ Pls be orderly~!
명동에서 타 죽을뻔 한 장어들이여 명동 코데즈 컴바인 앞으로 모여봐 롸잇나우 빨리!!!!!!!!!!by근석
Trans:Those eels ,who are in Myeong Dong,faster go to Code Combine to gather. ow, Pali!!! By Keun Suk
Updates from Tree J:
명동장어들아 모두 모였느뇽?? 그럼 즐집크리 ㄲㄲ By근석
Trans: Eels in Myeong Dong are ready? So pls enjoy ㄲㄲ By Keun Suk
[ SUkkie had sent coffee and etc for e eels, who have to q at 2pm~~~ Soo touching]
credit:we are the almighty seoul sister's+treej_company
thank you sis :D i knew u can translate it :D
ur welcome sis:)muaahhh