
Thursday, June 2, 2011

[EEL's story]JKS’ YMP Filming on 2 June

hello prett EEL's

REPOSTED FROM:jang keun suk forever+aphrael77+weibo

Credits as tagged

A fan diary from Lost Little Fish dated 2 June 2011 from Korea as she tagged along to the filming set of “You’re my Pet”. YMP filming photos on Sina have been forbidden by their authors to be re-posted elsewhere until the release of the movie.

According to another fan, JKS was filming throughout the night of 1 June and on 2 June, he was still at the filming scene and catching up on his sleep during breaks. Heartache for this child. At the end of filming on 2 June, fans followed Suk to his car and a passer-by commented that the fans’ actions looked abnormal. Then this child said very loudly before he got into the car, “따라올때따라와라” ~ When you want to come/follow, please come! He’s consoling the fans and concerned that others said they were abnormal. Lastly, when he was in the car and told fans to be careful when going back home – very touching!

I never thought I’d be interested in a step-by-step account of an actor’s day of filming … but I’m interested in whatever Sukkie does. Happy reading!

From: Lost Little Fish on 2 June 2011

10.54 am: Saw Suk’s car. Continue to look for him.
10.58 am: Saw Suk’s filming crew. Two crews filming in one park.
11.02 am: Saw Suk waiting for his filming
11.06 am: Now 10 metres away from Suk
11.12 am: My handphone camera emits a sound when in operation. Don’t dare to take photo
11.21 am: Suk is asleep
11.31 am: Suk is wearing a blue top, dark green knee-length shorts and white sports shoes
11.35 am: This guy has yawned several times
11.44 am: Suk and another actor on the bridge. Don’t know what they’re saying
11.55 am: Filming crew told us not to take photo, so I’m not taking and will narrate for everyone
12.14 pm: Filming two of them running on the bridge
12.25 pm: Suk has already filmed the running-on-bridge part 3 times
12.30 pm: Preparing to run a 4th time
12.34 pm: Ran 5 times already
12.45 pm: End of running, filming the two talking on the bridge
12.56 pm: Suk is resting, the other actor’s turn to be filmed
12.57 pm: Suk in midst of touching up make-up
1.00 pm: The other actor exercises the minute he gets a break in order to make his muscles look better
1.03 pm: Suk looks very tired
1.06 pm: Suk looks like he has fallen asleep on the chair, he doesn’t move
1.13 pm: Suk gets up. Awake?
1.16 pm: Another shot of the two talking on the bridge, a long-range shot this time
1.17 pm: The 2nd long-range shot
1.18 pm: The 3rd long-range shot
1.19 pm: Tree-J worker holds umbrella to shield Suk
1.20 pm: The 4th shot – still NG
1.21 pm: Filming for the 5th time
1.21 pm: The two laughed – I wonder why
2.00 pm: Mid-day break. Change of filming spot but still here
2.11 pm: Suk’s car is on one side of the smelly drain. We are on the other side

2.25 pm: Suk was taking a photo next to the smelly drain just now
2.26 pm: He let his hair down
2.28 pm: Suk changed clothes – yellow T with pastel shorts
2.29 pm: We saw Suk in the village
2.32 pm: This is the village road that JKS walked on

2.41 pm: Suk must have gone for lunch, Ha-neul has come
2.44 pm: Suk must have gone for lunch with Ha-neul. Their cars left in the same direction. We ate at the hotel
3.47 pm: Is the venue changed? The filming crew’s car has left
4.04 pm: It’s the same place as that ring-searching scene in YAB, what a small world in Korea

4.09 pm: Think they changed filming venue. If we can’t find them after walking one round, we’ll leave
5.22 pm: Saw their filming crew but not Suk
5.24 pm: Saw Suk again, he’s changed back to that blue top
5.26 pm: Ha-neul is filming now, Suk is resting
5.29 pm: The script is on Suk’s legs
5.46 pm: Suk is asleep again
5.49 pm: Filming crew brought in a dog
5.51 pm: Looked at Suk closely for a whole day, he’s so thin, can even see the veins on his leg
5.52 pm: Filming dog scene
5.53 pm: Suk gets up to film
5.54 pm: Filming the scene where Suk chases the dog
5.59 pm: He has chased the dog 4 times already
6.03 pm: Preparing to chase the dog again
6.04 pm: Mobile phone is running low on battery, persist please
6.05 pm: Filming dog scene and playing with dog, Suk lets out a scream
6.10 pm: We accompany Suk back to his car
6.14 pm: Suk gets in car and says follow him if we want
6.14 pm: Suk finishes filming
6.15 pm: Tells us to be careful when going home

9.43 pm: Upon reflection, the appropriate translation of that sentence is, when we were following Suk to his car, there were more than 10 of Suk’s fans today, after a whole day, I was so dead tired. Saw his sleeping posture. Many passers-by saw us escorting Suk to his car. We remained calm. One man said “Strange” to us in passing. Suk heard it. When we were nearly at the car, he said “Follow me if you want to”, we all laughed. Korean fans gave presents. [He accepted an orange and a stamp (Translator’s note: don’t understand this sentence)]. I forgot to prepare

9.45 pm: We couldn’t see Suk anymore as he was in the car, but he called out to us to go home quickly and be careful. Several times, Suk walked past me and we exchanged glances, but I’m very calm now!

9.52 pm: Today at the filming scene, we saw no interaction between Ha-neul and Suk. When Suk had no filming, he sat on his chair. The crew prepared a board for him to lean against to sleep! This boy really falls asleep very quickly. He can sleep even for a few minutes!

9.55 pm: That dog has black fur on his body and white on his head

10.09 pm: My legs are about to break. That park is extraordinarily big and has a lake in the centre with a diameter of more than 4 km. Also, another actor in the crew kept staring at us, did we have anything dirty on our faces?

11.41 pm: We have missed the scene where the two of them are behaving intimately, thank goodness, if not we’ll be so depressed! Good that we missed it! Applause



2 June 2011
• 10.54 看见suk保姆车了,继续找人
• 10.58 看到suk剧组了,两剧组在一公园拍
• 11.02 看到suk了,待机中
• 11.06 现在离suk10米远
• 11.12 我手机照相必须有声音,一直没敢拍
• 11.21 suk睡了
• 11.31 suk穿的蓝色卫衣,墨绿色短裤,白色运动鞋
• 11.35 这娃打了好几个哈欠
• 11.44 现在演suk和另一个男演员在桥上,不知道说什么
• 11.55 剧组说不要拍了,我就不放照片了,叙述给大家吧
• 12.14 演两人桥上跑
• 12.25 suk已经拍了3遍在桥上跑
• 12.30 第四遍准备跑中
• 12.34 跑第五遍了
• 12.45 跑步结束,演2人在桥上说话
• 12.56 suk休息中,拍另一个男演员
• 12.57 suk补妆中
• 13.00 另一个男演员一没事就运动,为了肌肉线条好看
• 13.03 suk好像很累
• 13.06 suk好像在椅子上睡了,一动不动
• 13.13 娃,起来了,睡醒了?
• 13.16 又是拍两人在桥上讲话,这次是拍远景
• 13.17 第二遍远景
• 13.18 第三遍远景
• 13.19 慌张给suk打伞
• 13.20 第四遍还ng
• 13.21 第五遍拍摄中
• 13.21 两人怎么笑了,为什么呢
• 14.00 中间休息中,换另一个场地,不过还是这里
• 14.11 suk车在臭水沟一边,suk人在车里,我们在臭水沟另一边
• 14.25 suk刚在臭水沟旁边照相
• 14.26 头发散下来了
• 14.28 suk换衣服了,黄t粉色裤子
• 14.29 我们在村里看suk
• 14.32 这就是suk走的乡村小路
• 14.41 suk应该是出去吃饭了,荷娜也来了
• 14.44 suk应该是和荷娜一块去吃了,保姆车一个方向,我们也在饭店吃饭
• 15.47 是不是换地了?摄像车走了
• 16.04 是美男啊捡戒指的地方,也在这啊,韩国真是小
• 16.09 估计换地拍摄了,我们转一圈没有的话就撤了
• 17.22 又看到他们剧组了,但是没看到suk
• 17.24 又看见suk了,换回蓝色卫衣了
• 17.26 现在荷娜拍戏,suk休息中
• 17.29 剧本在suk腿上放着
• 17.46 suk又睡了
• 17.49 剧组带来一只狗
• 17.51 今天看了一天,好好看这娃,瘦的,腿筋都看出来了
• 17.52 拍狗戏呢
• 17.53 suk起来了,拍戏了
• 17.54 拍suk追狗狗的戏
• 17.59 已经追4遍狗狗了
• 18.03 又要准备追狗了
• 18.04 手机快没电了,坚持啊
• 18.05 拍戏逗狗中,suk狂吼一声
• 18.10 陪着suk向保姆车走
• 18.14 suk上保姆车,说想跟就跟着来
• 18.14 suk结束拍摄
• 18.15 和我们说回家小心
21.43 那句话想来想去这么翻译比较妥当,当时我们跟着SUK回保姆车,今天十几个SUK饭吧,真是看了将近一天,累死偶了,睡姿也看到了,送SUK回保姆车时很多路人看到,依旧淡定,有个男的对着我们来句,奇怪,SUK听到了,快到车跟前说该跟就跟,我们都笑了,韩饭送礼都收了一个橘子一张邮票,我忘记准备了
• 21.45 进车里已经看不见了,还叫了一声,嘱咐我们,快回家,小心回家!好几次SUK就在我旁边走,对看了好几次,但是现在很淡定了!
• 21.52 今天拍摄现场看荷娜和SUK片场零交流,SUK没拍摄就坐在椅子上,工作人员准备一个板子让他靠着,睡觉!这孩子真的入睡灰常快,几分钟也能睡觉!
• 21.55 那狗狗身子黑色毛,头是白色的
• 22.09 腿要断了,那公园不是一般的大,中间有一湖据说那糊直径就4公里多,还有剧组另一演员啊,干嘛盯着我和耳朵啊,我们脸上是不是有东西啊
• 23.41 我们错过两人拍蛮亲热戏哪里,幸亏,否则,郁闷死!错过的好!鼓掌

@耳朵饭团 :恩 昨天晚上都一直熬夜拍摄的张根硕 今天还硬撑着身体 在待机的时候补觉 心疼这孩子啊 最后结束今日拍摄我们跟着他到停车场 路上有人说我们的样子很不正常 然后这孩子在上车前大声说따라올때따라와라~要跟的时候就来跟吧!安慰我们害怕我们被别人说不正常 最后在车上说的那句 小心回家 真的很感动!

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